Gamers know about the skin rarity, but most players focus on Covert skins, as these skins are the most desirable and the hardest to get in the game. Today, we will talk about the most popular Covert (Red) skins in CS2 and explain why some of them cost a fortune.
So, let’s get started!
What Are CS2 (CS:GO) Covert Skins?
But before we consider the most popular and coolest skins of all CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins and tell a little bit about them, we need to explain to everyone what Covert (Red) skins in CS2 are because new players appear in the game every day.
In CS2, there are seven types of skin rarity:
- Consumer Grade
- Industrial Grade
- Mil-Spec Grade
- Restricted
- Classified
- Covert
- Extraordinary
- Contraband
However, some connoisseurs noticed that the rarity “Contraband” is missing. It’s because there are only two items in this rarity: M4A4 | Howl skin and Sticker | Howling Dawn. They are almost impossible to find on the market now and cost a fortune.
However, let’s return to our main topic. All skins in the game have their corresponding rarity, and CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins are considered the rarest. This is all because the chance of getting one such skin from a case is only 0.64%. But, if you want to learn more and in more detail about CS2 (CS:GO) skin rarity, we recommend reading this article.
Moreover, Valve often makes CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skins very attractive, with various interesting drawings and compositions, so the demand for such skins is always high.
By the way, it’s better to talk about popularity and demand separately below!
Is Red Rarity CS2 Skins Popular?
So, we’ve moved on to the most important component of all Covert skins in CS2 (CS:GO): their popularity.
As we’ve already mentioned, CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skins have a very low chance of dropping, and this chance alone piques the interest of many users. After all, they simply want to get this skin. No matter what, even if they don’t play with it, even if they don’t like it, they will still try to get it.
This is because many players are collectors, and they like to have a cool collection that others will look at with envy and think, “I wish I had such skin.” But there are also those who simply collect for themselves.
The second indispensable factor in the popularity of all Covert skins in CS2 (CS:GO) is, of course, their attractiveness! Look at any case, and you will see that Valve always selects the most beautiful skins to make them the rarest. Of course, for the company, this is a direct chance to earn money because many people will open cases by the dozens hoping to get this skin, but this greatly affects the further pricing and cost of these skins.
Combining rarity, beauty, and everyone’s desire to get such skins, we can confidently say that CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins are the most desirable in the game and the most expensive at the same time!
List of Best Covert (Red) CS2 Skins
Considering all the factors we discussed earlier, we’ve made an effort to gather the most beautiful and interesting variations of CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins for you. They vary in price, so everyone can find a skin they like!
Covert (Red) AK-47 Skins

Let’s start with the most popular weapon in competitive gaming – AK-47. The first skin that currently breaks all records is AK-47 | Inheritance. It is incredibly beautiful, white as marble, with a combination of deep blue and golden floral patterns. It looks amazing, and we are not the only ones who think so! This skin has become the most beautiful skin of the year, according to the HLTV Awards.
AK-47 | Neon Revolution is an old and cheap CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skin that was added back in 2016, and its starting price is currently only $15, but this does not prevent it from being one of the coolest skins even now. Its bold color combinations and saturation make the skin very attractive, and many esports athletes still play with it.
AK-47 | Leet Museo is a true work of art that does not cost millions or tens of thousands of dollars. It is a unique skin that is not equal to this theme. The skin is made in the style of Cubism. Cubism is usually characterized by the use of geometric shapes or forms, abstract structures, and even simplified lines. Famous artists such as Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque usually painted Cubism.
Covert (Red) AWP Skins

AWP | Chrome Cannon is another brand new Covert (Red) skin in the CS2 world that was released in 2024, and it immediately captured the hearts of many players because it looks really interesting, is unique in its design, and has cool color transitions.
AWP | Wildfire is a fiery beauty that has always been popular and remains so. The CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skin has a very beautifully drawn dragon, which seems to be created from flames. Everything else around is covered in darkness, but it combines very well with the main focus on the skin.
AWP | Gungnir – a legend that everyone knows about. If you own such a skin, then you’ve heard more than once, “Can I play with your AWP?” or something like, “Drop me, please. I want to take a look.” This skin is not only rare or beautiful but also incredibly beautiful and incredibly rare. The price for this CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skin starts from $4,000.
Covert (Red) FAMAS Skins

There are only two CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skins for FAMAS – FAMAS | Roll Cage and FAMAS | Commemoration.
FAMAS | Roll Cage is probably one of the cheapest red rarity skins in CS2 (CS:GO). Its price starts from $2, and almost anyone can afford it. The skin itself looks ordinary. It doesn’t have any interesting pattern that would attract attention or something like that.
FAMAS | Commemoration is like a piece of history in your hands. It’s a connection to the past. The golden color and wood emphasize the feeling of the past and nostalgia. The weapon depicts a world map, and the stock depicts the names of CS2 maps. Overall, this CS2 (CS:GO) cheap Covert skin is very interesting, and you can also see operators and other details on it. Considering its affordable price, you should take a closer look at it.
Covert (Red) AUG Skins

Now, let’s move on to AUG, specifically AUG | Akihabara Accept and AUG | Chameleon. Let’s start with the first one.
AUG | Akihabara Accept combines a white and blue background, depicting an anime-style agent holding an AUG. Her pink hair accents the weapon and draws attention. Various inscriptions on the weapon testify to the agent’s skill and readiness for a clutch.
On AUG | Chameleon, as the name implies, a green chameleon with orange stripes is depicted. Its tail is twisted like a snail’s shell, its eyes are a bright neon blue, and its long tongue reaches for its prey – flies. It seems to maneuver between two flies to catch them at the same time. Also, interesting patterns in the background decorate the weapon but do not draw attention because the main star here is the chameleon.
Covert (Red) M4A4 and M4A1-S Skins

Well, we couldn’t possibly overlook the most popular weapon for counter-terrorists!
White, blue, and pink colors combined look great, and M4A4 | Temukau is filled with just such colors. In addition to a wonderful combination of colors, the skin also has many interesting elements depicted on it. For example, the main character of the CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skin is a pink-haired girl who throws a smoke grenade and loudly warns her allies with the phrase “Smoke ramp.”
M4A4 | The Emperor – another skin with a blue color, but already in combination with gold, and frankly, it looks no worse than the previous one. In the foreground, the Emperor is placed in a golden crown with a scepter in his hands. He looks forward with an unyielding, confident gaze! The skin is very popular and beautiful at the same time.
M4A1-S | Printstream – this is the most popular Covert (Red) skin that currently exists in CS2 for M4A1-S. Its simplicity in color and many detailed drawings combine into one wonderful skin that attracts the attention of hundreds of thousands of players. In addition, this skin has one feature: it is almost not damaged and looks great in any quality.
M4A1-S | Vaporwave – this is a 2024 skin, a novelty in the world of best rarity red CS2 (CS:GO) skins, and in such a short time on the market, it has already become the second most popular skin. It is because the skin is incredibly detailed and has a lot of different interesting colors, and most importantly, it is an exposition on it. The skin depicts a stone-carved statue of a girl who cannot fail to fall in love with herself!
Covert (Red) Pistol Skins
Among all the CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins, it’s also worth paying attention to several pistols, so let’s move on to them!
Covert (Red) Desert Eagle Skins

Desert Eagle | Printstream – just like the entire Printstream collection, it is very popular, and of course, it’s because of its beauty and the ability not to get damaged very much, regardless of the quality you have! If you haven’t seen this skin yet, we guarantee you will definitely like it!
Desert Eagle | Ocean Drive – is also a very popular CS2 (CS:GO) rarity red skin because it has a good combination of different colors and adds something special to the game, especially on bright maps like Dust2 or Mirage.
Desert Eagle | Code Red – it’s already a classic. It doesn’t have some super beautiful pictures, but it still looks very good, especially in Factory New condition. Its feature is a brutal design combined with a slightly dull red color.
Covert (Red) Glock-18 Skins

Also worth noting are some Glock-18 skins.
Especially the first skin, the new Glock-18 | Gold Toof. Players very much like the skin because it brings something new to the game. It’s not some kind of CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skin that shimmers with different colors or has something simple and uninteresting. This skin depicts a very bold picture.
Among the seven teeth depicted on the skin, only one is golden. And it is incredibly well-polished. It is so well-polished that it reflects all the light as if it were a mirror, and if you look closely, you can see the location from the map. But what exactly the map is is not entirely clear. Try to take a closer look yourself – you can inspect the skin and figure out what’s reflected on the golden tooth.
Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler is a simple and very beautiful Covert (Red) skin in CS2. That’s how people usually talk about Glock-18 | Gamma Doppler because that’s how it really is. The skin has a dark base, but the slide of the skin is painted in an incredible color of the polar night. The colors intertwine in a very beautiful palette that attracts your gaze.
Glock-18 | Neo-Noir is not as expensive as the previous ones, but many users love it very much because of its drawing and the beautiful girl depicted on the skin.
Covert (Red) SMGs Skins
So, what about weapons for active gameplay?
Covert (Red) P90 Skins

If you like rushing early and taking aggressive positions on the map, then P90 | Death by Kitty will be a great addition to your gameplay. The chaotic, incomprehensible design will perfectly complement your unexpected and fast play.
You’ve already heard about Asiimov skins, and P90 also has one of those. The familiar white-orange design remains popular and reminds many users of the good old days when they were just starting to play.
Covert (Red) MP9 Skins

The only Covert (Red) skin for MP9 in CS2 is MP9 | Starlight Protector. It’s hard to describe this skin in a few words because it’s truly amazing. It has a white base with black and gray accents, and a colorful unicorn is painted on the white base! The unicorn shimmers with seven rainbow colors and has a long, luxurious mane!
Comparing CS2 Covert (Red) Skins with Other Rarities
CS2 (CS:GO) Covert skins are the most popular and expensive skins in CS2, as all players want to obtain them due to their design and unique features. Comparing skins is actually very difficult, as the criteria for doing so are undefined.
If we talk about the price, then yes, Covert (red) skins are usually much more expensive. However, some old Covert (red) skins can cost only a few dollars, and all because they have a bad design or for some other reason.
In general, choose the skin that you like the most, and it doesn’t matter how rare it is!
How to Find and Obtain Rarity Red CS2 (CS:GO) Skins
There is a very small chance that you can get a CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skin in the game during a weekly reward, but you should not expect it, as the chances are very small. All skins of this quality are usually obtained from cases, so if you want one of them, you should try to open several, but there is also a big nuance here: the chance of getting Covert (red) skins is also small.
The best way to get the desired skin is to buy it, but buying skins on the Steam market in 2025 is no longer profitable and is not relevant at all. The best way to use third-party sites that deal with this professionally and have many bonuses and promotions.
CS2 (CS:GO) red rarity skins are, without a doubt, the most coveted items, boasting unique designs and a cool aesthetic. Many players collect them, while others simply aspire to own them. In any case, these skins have different prices, so everyone can choose something for themselves.
To dive deeper into the world of CS2 and learn a lot of interesting things, read our blog!
CS2 (CS:GO) Covert Skins FAQ
What Color are Covert Skins in CS:GO?
Covert skins are also called red skins.
Can You Trade Up Covert Skins?
Unfortunately, you can not trade up Covert skins for a knife.
How do Covert Weapons Drop in CS2 (CS:GO)?
You can get a Covert skin from a case, but keep in mind that the chance of obtaining a weapon of this quality is only 0.64%.
What is the Most Expensive Covert (Red) Skin in CS:GO?
AWP | Dragon Lore is currently the most expensive Covert (red) skin in CS2.
What is the Cheapest Covert (Red) Skin in (CS:GO) CS2?
Currently, the cheapest Covert (red) skin is MP7 | Bloodsport, which you can buy for just a few dollars.
Are Covert Skins Worth Collecting?
Yes, Covert skins often increase in value over time. Not only will they make a nice collection for you, but they can also be a profitable investment in the future.